Saturday, April 21, 2007

brooklyn's outer space

from the f train


Nomen Nescio said...

i'm so obsessed with these subway cataracts

Nomen Nescio said...

been away, back now, somewhat

gracerollins said...

yeah.. you need to post more mr. desconocido.

did you see i had another post of a subway window in nov or december... i still use it for the wallpaper on my phone.

Nomen Nescio said...

hadn't seen that other shot, will look.

i have a big backlog built up which usually then gets put out over time - when i take a picture has nothing to do with when i feel like posting it -- like that latest one is from feb '06, and parts of the same set have already been posted elsewhere.

it's not helping me any that i don't have access to the card reader i need to get stuff off my phone, and my other cams are likewise packed away...

i would say i'd go and backfill april, but this tends to become such an overambitious editing process that its result never feels quite right, never gets posted.

gracerollins said...

nomencito, posted elsewhere where?